It is a good idea to make some preparations before your appontment
This is a faily intense and sometime stressful visit
You might be worried about what illness you have and what it means to your well being
Pit is a good idea to have thought about the questions we will ask to get a clear picture of your illness and your general health and the effects of thenadvic we will be gI in about your life
It may surprise you to learn that despite all the advances in imaging and blod tests that the main way to get to the bottom of a health proem is to talk in a very structured way about your problem and how it is affecting you. If we don't know that the all he tests in he world won't assist in making the right decision in your case. It may seem redundant after seen you GP and perhaps another specialist thatbe o vet the things ou have already told them. This serves two purposes; one is that his is like the two pilots on a lane runingver the safety check list together and the second is to clear the histories f he last patients from my mind so hat the full picture of your life and health is foremost n my mind
We will sport by finding out what the main reason to come to see me is and what symptoms this is causing you so we build. A picture of the natur of your illness and the effect it has n your life. After hat we ask abut life style and family risk favors that might predispose you to he illness
After that we perform an examination and review your tests so that we have as much knowledge the problem as possible. After hat wexamine look at your general health work family life and heritage to ind clues about the impact of all hese factors which will guide the diagnosis and treatment plan we will wantoo know of any allergies and the medicatioouyou ar on. If there are more than two or three hen bro ging a Luis a good idea. If you or get something dn worry as we can often chase these results by fax while are talking
We will want to not only read all reports bu also look at he films from any X-rays or ther imaging, as a lough we are not radio hosts we have specific surgical owl edge to bring to the review of your tests
After that